Posts by category
- Category: Exhibition Hall
- Category: Facilities
- Category: News & Events
- Sealed Tenders are invited from auctioneers / individuals for disposal of Scrap materials “As & Where” lying basis at Regional Regional Science city, Lucknow.
- Walk-in-Test for Engagement of Trainee Craft (COPA, Carpenter, Fitter, Welder) at KPSC, Kurukshetra
- Walk-in-Test for Engagement of Science Communicators at KPSC, Kurukshetra
- Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement of 3 Nos. Science Communicators for a period of one year at Regional Science City, Lucknow
- Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement of 3 Nos. of Trainees Craft (Painter, Carpenter and Electronics) for a period of one year at Regional Science City, Lucknow
- Renovation of Conference room including making a provision of VIP toilet and other associated works including electrical works at Regional Science City, Lucknow
- Painting of boundary wall (inside) and other associated works at Regional Science City, Lucknow
- Renovation and upliftment of entry area in front of new building and area near magic tap at Regional Science City, Lucknow.
- Regional Science City, Lucknow invites application from the eligible candidates for recruitment of one post of Technician 'A' (Painter).
- Category: PROGRAMMES
- Category: Scientific Institutes
- Category: Tender/ Advertise
- Auto DraftSealed quotations are invited from reputed agencies for auction of scraps and wooden logs lying in the premises of Regional Science City, Lucknow.Auto Draft
- Online e-tender has been uploaded on the CPP portal for inviting e-tender vide Tender ID No. 2024_NCSM_829747_1 on 08.10.2024 for the work of "Major face-lifting of new building (Block-2) of Regional Science City, Lucknow.
- Applications are invited from eligible candidates for engagement of Trainees Education at Regional Science City, Lucknow for a period of one year (extendable for one more year subject to satisfactory performance during the 18 year of traineeship and at the discretion of the Centre)
- Regional Science City, Lucknow invites applications from the eligible candidates for engagement of junior mentor-01 No., trainees (Education)- 03 Nos. and trainee craft (R&AC)-01 No. for a period of one years on walk-in-test basis.
- Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Portable Fire Extinguishers at Regional Science City, Lucknow
- A corrigendum has been published for extension of date of receiving the on-line Digitally signed e-Tenders invited in two Bid System for "Disposal of One number UT Make Passenger Lift installed at Regional Science City, Lucknow" On "As is Where is Basis"
- "Disposal of One number UT Make Passenger Lift installed at Regional Science City, Lucknow” On “As is Where is Basis”.
- Interested auctioneers / individuals are invited to participate in the Tender published on 3rd October, 2023 for auction of scrap materials and wooden logs lying at RSC, Lucknow on "As and where" basis.
- Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Fabrication, Assembly, Testing and Commissioning of Passenger Lift (Elevators) at Regional Science City, Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
- Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for repair and maintenance of sanitary, plumbing and other associated civil works for (i) Regional Science City building situated at Lucknow (ii) Staff quarters of Regional Science City situated at Lucknow
- Admission To Two Year Courses In Science Communication (Advt. No: 10/2023)
- Tender document published for Security work at RSC, Lucknow
- Applications are invited from eligible candidates for recruitment of Technician-A (Welder & Painter) for Regional Science City, Lucknow
- Sealed tenders are invited from auctioneers/individuals for disposal of Scrap materials “As & Where” basis lying at Regional Science City, Lucknow.
- Wooden Cabinet and Wall Panelling Fabrication Works
- Providing Optical Fiber based leased line internet connection at RSC, Lucknow
- Walk-in-Test for engagement of Trainee Education
- Providing Optical Fiber based Leased Line Internet Connection at Regional Science City, Lucknow
- Providing upkeeping, sanitary, housekeeping & garden maintenance services at Regional Science City, Lucknow (for detail information-click here).
- Regional Science City, Lucknow invites applications from the eligible candidates for recruitment of one post of Technician 'A' (Welder).
- Notice Inviting E-tender No. SCCY-15014/30(133)
- Corrigendum to the Advertisement No 01/2021 dt. 22/01/21
- Recruitment of Office Assistant, Grade-III and Technician 'A' in RSC, Lucknow
- The e-tender information (RSCL)
- E- Tenders for supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of NVR Based IP IR CCTV Surveillance On Buyback of OLD DVR Based IPCCD Camera System Installed At (Lucknow).
- The e-tender information
- AMC civil works e-tender notice of Regional Science City, Lucknow (UP) on official websites of RSCL .
- Tender Document for Comprehensive AMC of IPIR CCTV camera based monitoring & surveillance system installed at Regional Science City Lucknow.
- E- Tenders are invited for ? Up-gradation of visitors toilet and cafeteria
- E- Tenders are invited for ?Refurbishing and Upholstery work of SCIAMX chairs"
- E- Tenders are invited for ?Supply Installation Testing Commissioning of Automatic Boom Barriers
- Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Air Conditioning Units in Material Science Gallery at Regional Science City, Lucknow
- E-Tender for PVC Flooring
- Advertisement for Inviting E-Tenders for the work of running of Cafeteria on leave
- Advertisement and Application form for engagement of Junior Mentors and Trainee Crafts
- Application form for the post of office assistant Grade-III bilingual
- Corrigendum Advertisement details for office assistant Grade-III at RSCL
- Category: Uncategorized
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